This video is a step by step video tutorial to guide you through on how to attach youtube icon or avatar or in our lay man's word is youtube logo for your youtube channel. So what is a youtube channel icon?
Your Channel Icon shows overlaid on your Channel Art banner, and as the watch page icon for videos viewed on YouTube watch pages. In the past, the Channel Icon was referred to as your Channel Avatar.
Your Channel Icon will also show on the right hand side of other Channels if you are selected as one of their Featured Channels, or if you are participating in the Related Channels ecosystem. Channel Icon Technical Specifications
- Square and rounded images which render at 98 X 98 px
- We recommend uploading an 800 X 800 px image
- JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG -no animated GIFs
- Do not upload pictures containing celebrities, nudity, artwork or copyrighted images, as this violates our community guidelines
The channel icon on desktop appears as a square image in the upper left corner of the channel art.
The channel icon on android appears as a rounded image in the bottom left corner of the channel art.
The channel icon on iOS appears as a square image below the channel art.
If you want to read the step by step process of editing this youtube channel icon please read thru the instructions below:
Edit & Update: Login to YouTube - Navigate to your Channel - Hover over your Channel Icon to expose an Edit button, then Click the Edit button to proceed
This will take you to an editing wizard where you may upload an image, use a still frame from one of your uploaded videos or use your default image.
The default image is the image associated with your Google Account, and is visible in the upper right hand corner of the page when you are logged in to YouTube and other Google services. Please note: If your Channel is merged with a Google plus profile or page, then your YouTube Channel Icon and your Google plus Profile Image are synched. As a result, clicking this pencil icon will take you to your Google plus profile, where you can edit the image.
So i hope guys you able to gain more knowledge and skills about youtube by watching our videos. Till next time and see you once again !